POR (Pekan Olahraga Remaja)

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Setelah selesai perlombaan

Setelah selesai lomba

Ini merupakan saat dimana gue bener-bener ngerasain gimana jatuh bangun saat lomba volly. Ya meskipun bukan pertama kalinya, tapi rasa deg-degan itu selalu ada ketika bertanding. Ini adalah sesaat setelah lomba volly tingkat Kota Administrasi Jakarta selesai. Jujur saja lawan yang kami hadapi sangat sulit. Skill yang mereka miliki sangat bagus, mulai dari servis dan smash itu luar biasa kencangnya-.- Tapi karena badan yang kurang fit dikarenakan kita bertanding dari pagi hingga malam itu sangat menguras energi. Yap~ tidak mengapa karena itu merupakan sebuah pengalaman yang sangat berharga. Dan meskipun pahit harus jatuh bangun terlebih dahulu.Toh akhirnya, berkat kerja keras itu pun membuahkan hasil yang manis. Thank you Very Much :D

Ngerujak Ala 81

Smile aja dulu :)
Tradisi Rujak di 81

Ini adalah emak lagi keringatan pas memotong mangga hehe

Buahnya yang hampir abis-_-"

CSFX 81 bagaikan Buah belimbing yang dipotong dan menyerupai bintang :D

      Ngerujak ala 81, maksudnya tradisi yang akan dilakukan apabila ada waktu luang. Tradisi ini dilakukan oleh angkatan kami yaitu CSFX 81. Tapi, saat itu sempat terjadi kegagalan karena dateng sekelompok manusia yang tidak diundang dan menghabiskan semuanya. Gue sempet kesel karena gue yang mengadakan tapi belum sempet makan hohoho :) tapi tidak apa masih ada kesempatan yang akan dateng. I NEVER FORGET THIS MOMENT ({})


             Hati adalah organ manusia dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Cara bekerjanya pun sungguh luar biasa. Hati Yang diberikan tuhan dengan keadaan bersih dan terbebas dari segala macam sifat-sifat yang buruk, seperti pendendam dan lainnya. Tapi kadang kita manusia tidak bisa menjaga anugerah tuhan tersebut, kita sering mengotori hati kita dengan iri kepada orang lain yang lebih beruntung dari kita, ria, pendendam, dengki dan lainnya. Hati sering sakit dengan diri kita sendiri, kita menyakiti diri kita karena kita sendiri. Tuhan.. maafkan segala kesalahan ku, maafkan segala kesalahanku karena aku tidak bisa menjaga dan merawat hati yang telah kau berikan pada kami.

Adventure at elementary school part 1

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

        Saat dimana gue belum terlalu mengerti dan paham akan keadaan yang terjadi di sekolah yang baru saja gue tempati ini, yap! kalian pasti mengerti gue ini adalah murid pindahan dari Tangerang. Awalnya gue merasa canggung dan malu untuk berbaur dengan mereka semua, apalagi gue sangat pemalu hihi.. tetapi lama kelamaan setelah gue mulai mengenal mereka semua. Ditambah setiap ekskul, kegiatan maupun lomba yang ada gue selalu mengikutinya, misalnya saja ekskul Pramuka. Di ekskul ini, gue mendapatkan pengalaman yang sangat banyak mulai dari pentingnya kerja sama, kedisiplinan, kemandirian, persahabatan, kekompakkan, hingga kebersamaan.

Jasmine (Regu pramuka Putri yang ada disekolah)

Sepulang dari persami -.- capek banget fuhhh
     Setiap lomba pramuka selalu membagi tugas, biasanya tugasnya itu sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing, contohnya : ada temen gue yang ngejawab sandi morse, semaphore, KIM dan itu dibagi menjadi beberapa pos. Biasanya dari sekolah gue ngirim 2 regu, yaitu regu putra dan putri. Gue selalu gugup saat tampil. Tapi, berkat dukungan dari kakak pembina dan teman-teman yang lain gue jadi agak rileks.

     Saat pengumuman pemenang pun kami semua selalu berdoa kepada tuhan agar kami dapat diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Syukur Alhamdulillah.. atas rahmat Allah S.W.T dan doa semuanya, sekolah gue bisa menjadi pemenang dan dapat mempertahankan piala bergilir, betapa bahagianya kami semua =D karena kerja keras dan latihan yang selama ini kami lakukan tidak sia-sia.

       Selain pramuka, gue juga mengikuti beberapa perlombaan, yaitu olimpiade ipa. Syukur Allhamdulillah atas rahmat Allah S.W.T gue bisa maju ketingkat selanjutnya. Gue hanya bisa mengucapkan beribu-ribu terimakasih kepada Allah S.W.T, kedua orang tua dan guru-guru yang sudah mendoakan, mendukung dan mempercayai saya :)

       Waktu itu ada kegiatan menjadi abang none di sekolah. Hanya dipilih beberapa anak dari satu sekolah dan gue menjadi salah satunya :) syukur alhamdulillah gue diberi kepercayaan untuk mengemban tugas itu. Gue mendapatkan pengalaman dari situ, bahwa keterampilan yang kita miliki harus di kembangkan agar berpotensi di masa depan. Dari situ juga gue lebih mengenal budaya Betawi yang khas dari DKI Jakarta (budaya betawi sudah gue jelasin di artikel sebelumnya).

       Cekidot ke petualangannya >>>

         Kalian tau ga sih? selama di SD gue dan teman-teman gue selalu mencari kebenaran tentang Pulo. Apa kalian tau Pulo itu apa? kalian pasti bertanya apasih sebenernya Pulo itu? ada apa aja yang terjadi di sana dan ngapain gue dan temen-temen gue kesana?.. kalau mau tau tunggu cerita selanjutnya di PART 2~ Coming Soon :D

Kadang di dalam otak sempat terlintas, akankah itu semua akan terjadi lagi? I only hope.

My feeling

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

"Air matamu bisa habis jika kau menangis terus,!”, itu kata kakakku. Tapi itu dulu, aku yang sekarang bukanlah orang yang akan tertipu dengan kata-kata penghibur seperti itu.

Memang sempat terlintas dibenakku. Ingin rasanya ketika aku menangis ada yang memelukku. Ada yang merelakan pundaknya untuk tempat ku bersandar. Ada yang menyediakan tangannya untuk merengkuhku dalam pelukannya dan membiarkanku menangis disana.

Tapi mana mungkin. Aku terlalu tertutup. Tak mudah bagiku membagi ceritaku pada orang lain. Aku menutupi itu semua dengan sok peduli pada orang lain. Padahal aku tak pernah memperdulikan diriku sendiri. Aku selalu memakai topeng untuk menyembunyikan semua kesedihanku.
"Kebahagiaan memang tak pernah dapat dinilai, hanya dapat dirasakan. Karena makna kebahagiaan akan datang dengan sendirinya seperti kita memaknai hidup ini."


Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Aku hidup bukan untuk menunggu cintamu.
Sulit ku terima semua keputusan itu.
Yang kini hilang tersapu angin senja.
Masih sulit pula untuk ku lupakan.
Suram dan seram jika ku ingat kembali.
Mungkin harus ku biarkan semua kenangan itu,
agar abadi oleh sang waktu.

Pagi ini cerah, hangat mentari yang bersinar dan sejuk embun di pagi itu membuat semangat untuk menuntut ilmu makin bertambah. Ku percepat langkahku. Seusai sekolah, ada ekstrakulikuler seni tari dan aku pun mengikutinya. Masih belum beranjak dari tempat duduk ku. Dari arah belakang terdengar suara yang memanggilku.
“Idaaa, tunggu !”

Aku pun melihat ke belakang “Kamu Raff, ada apa kok sampai tergesa-gesa ?” tanyaku penasaran.

“Emmm, ada yang mau kenalan sama kamu !”

“Tapi Raff, udah mau masuk kelas seni tarinya”

“Ya telat dikit kan gakpapa”.

Aku tidak menjawabnya. Aku bergegas pergi menuju kelas seni tari. Aku simpan kata-kata Raffi tapi aku tidak memikirkannya disaat aku sedang mengikuti seni tari.


Hari ini aku sengaja berangkat pagi, aku ingin menikmati udara pagi, walaupun jarak antara rumah dan sekolah dekat. Sewaktu istirahat aku kembali ingat dengan kata-kata Raffi kemarin siang. Siapa dia? Anak mana? Namanya siapa? Berbagai pertanyaan mulai bermunculan di benakku. Hingga aku tak sadar jika aku sedang melamunkannya.

“Heyhey, mikirin siapa sih kamu?” Tanya Ega yang membuyarkan lamunanku.

“Ha? Aku gak mikirin apa-apa tuh!”

“Kok ngelamun sih? Haaa, masih keinget ya sama kata-kata Raffi kemaren?”

“Ehh, apaan sih, mentang-mentang pacar Raffi trus kalian ngejek gitu, ahh gak asyiik”

“Yaya, Cuma bercanda kok”

Tiba-tiba Raffi datang menemuiku. Entah apa lagi yang akan ia sampaikan kembali. Aku sendiri tidak berharap jika kata-kata itu lagi yang akan ia sampaikan.

“Daa, ikut yuk, dia mau ketemu kamu, tuh udah ditunggu di kantin” ajak Raffi.

“Ahh, engga ahh, biarin aja dia samperin”

“Kok gitu? Ya udah deh, ini kesempatan loh, kok malah kamu sia-siain” Ucapan Raffi didengar oleh Layla, yang juga saudara Raffi.

“Ehh, ada apaan nih, keliatannya seru! Ada apa sih Raff, kok gak bilang-bilang?”

“Gak ada apa-apa, udah nanti aku ceritain”

Bel masuk kelas pun berbunyi, aku segera masuk kelas. Dan aku mengikuti pelajaran yang berlangsung hingga usai. Pulang sekolah biasanya aku jalan sendiri, jarak rumah deket.

“Ciiye Idaa” goda Layla

“Ada apa sih?” tanyaku penasaran.

“Tuh, orang yang di depan gerbang pake tas item ada corak biru, itu orang yang mau ketemu kamu.”

“Ha? Siapa dia? Namanya siapa?”

“Dia Tyo, anaknya pendiem banget, dia sahabat karib Raffi sama Adi”

Tanpa kata-kata apapun aku bergegas pulang, dalam perjalananku aku memfikirkan semua hal yang Layla beritahu tadi. Yah, Tyo, aku masih tidak menyangka kenapa dia mau bertemu, kenapa harus lewat temennya? Ah mungkin dia malu. Ya udahlah.

Hari ini mulai muncul kabar buruk, banyak yang menyangka bahwa aku ini adalah pacar Tyo, padahal bukan sama sekali. Aku kenal sama dia aja baru kemarin. Di sela-sela pelajaran aku gunakan untuk menuliskan sebuah kata-kata. Sepertinya aku memang benar-benar jatuh hati pada Tyo, “ahhh, kenal langsung aja belum kayaknya mustahil deh” kata itu selalu muncul di benakku.

Saat jam istirahat, aku selalu melewati kelasnya. Aku selalu melihat tingkah lakunya, yang terkadang membuatku tersenyum-senyum sendiri. Oh mungkin inikah cinta? Aku pernah merasakannya tetapi aku tak ingin merasakannya lagi untuk saat ini.

Setelah kita kenal begitu lama, aku mengenal dia dengan ramah, dengan baik, walaupun diantara kita tak pernah ada satu perkataan. Tiba-tiba semua perasaanku menjelma, berubah entahlah seperti apa isi otakku. Aku menyukainya, aku menyayanginya. Aku yakin dia pun begitu, tapi aku tidak pernah pecaya itu, aku tidak pernah percaya bila ia menyukaiku juga, aku hanya berharap begitu banyak padanya.

Hari ini ekstra pramuka sebenarnya, aku sama Tyo mau bicara tapi dia tetap tidak mau. Dia tetap tak membuka kesempatan untuk perasaan kita. Tapi aku masih yakin bila dia benar-benar mencintaiku. Sore itu aku hanya pulang dengan semua mimpi ku yang telah pupus. Aku tak membawa secuil harapan lagi untuk rasaku ini.

Malam ini aku tulis surat untuk nya. Aku harap ada sedikit respon darinya. Dan respon itu tidak membuatku patah hati dan patah semangat. Aku tahu Tuhan pasti mengerti disetiap mimpi dan harapanku.

Setelah selesai aku pun tidur. Hari ini aku sengaja bangun pagi, selain aku piket aku juga ingin melihatnya lebih awal, hehe. Aku datang pertama di sekolah, datang pertama juga di kelas, aku langsung piket, bersihkan semuanya. Setelah selesai, aku kasih surat itu langsung ke dia. Aku tak pernah mengira hal buruk apapun akan menimpa kita setelah surat itu kau baca. Tiba-tiba Imma datang mengetuk pintu kelasku. Dia meminta ijin dahulu, lalu memanggilku untuk menemuinya. Aku yang bingung, langsung saja aku menurut.

“Nih surat dari Tyo!” kata Imma sambil memberikan surat dari Tyo.

“Apa ini? Jawaban suratku tadi pagi ya?”

“Iyaa, baca aja, dia bilang dia minta maaf kalo udah nyakitin perasaan kamu, dia gak bermaksud kayak gitu, ya udah baca aja.”

“Iyaa, makasiih udah ngaterin suratnya, aku titip salam buat dia”

Seketika aku menangis, air mata ini sudah tak bisa ku tahan lagi. Tetes demi tetes mulai membasahi wajahku. Lalu ku hapus lagi begitu pun seterusnya. Aku masuk kelas dan aku lanjutkan pelajaran yang sempat tertunda, aku anggap saja ini semua tidak pernah terjadi.

“Ada apa sih, Yuk?” Tanya Ega.

“Di.. dia.. dia udah jawab semuanya” kataku terbata-bata

“Jawab apa? Bukannya diantara kalian itu tak pernah ada apa-apa?”

“Dia gak suka aku Ga, aku sih fine tapi kenapa sih yang nganter harus Imma, dulu pas kamu sama Raffi putus, Imma juga kan yang nganter?”

“Iya ya, kok aku lupa ya? Ya udah deh, kamu yang sabar aja, cowok itu gak Cuma satu kok, gak Cuma dia doang”

“Iyaa Ga, makasiih” jawabku sambil mengusap air mataku

“Iya sama-sama”

Sulit menjalani hari tanpanya lagi, walaupun kita hanya sebatas gebetan, tapi ternyata hal itu membuat kita menjadi bersahabat. Berbulan-bulan aku nanti jawabanmu lagi. Tapi ternyata jawaban itulah yang sudah kamu tetapkan. Aku hanya pasrah, aku menangis, bagaimana tidak jika seseorang yang aku sukai ternyata telah membuatku menangis.

Aku berharap suatu saat nanti Tuhan mempertemukan kita, dan Tuhan izinkan kita bersama. Jika Tuhan tidak mentakdirkan kita bersama biarlah perasaan itu menjadi sebuah kenangan masa SMP kita.



       Mungkin setiap orang mempunyai mimpi yang berbeda. Mereka mempunyai mimpi untuk bisa merubah dunia, merubah nasib dan merubah segalanya menjadi lebih baik. Tapi, sebagian orang mungkin berfikir bahwa impian itu bisa terwujud jika sudah mempunyai skill dan ability. Yes, i agree with that opinion. Tapi, ada yang lebih penting dari itu semua. Saya yakin apabila seseorang ingin menjadi sukses dan meraih cita-citanya dengan Tekad, Niat, Doa dan Kerja keras yang kuat dan ridha Allah S.W.T dan kedua orang tua, Impian itu bisa terwujud, jangan pernah putus asa sobat. Karena saya juga merupakan seorang pemimpi dan saya ingin mengejar impian itu. SEMANGAT SANG PEMIMPI !!

Smile at nine one

Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Beragam ekspresi yang terjadi di kelas 91, salah satunya adalah tersenyum/ tertawa.

Someday I'm sure that a smile will continue to be memorable. I love you all


Betawi of Culture

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

        Betawi Culture is one of the thousands of cultures in Indonesia. Betawi tribe comes from the mating-mawin interethnic and the nation in the past. Biologically speaking, those who claim to be descendants of the Betawi people are of mixed blood of various tribes and nations who were invited by the Netherlands to Batavia. What is called a people or tribe actually countless newcomers Betawi in Jakarta. Ethnic group was born out of a combination of various other ethnic groups who had already been living in Jakarta, such as Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese, Bugis, Makassar, Ambon, and Malay settlers and tribes, such as Arabic, Indian, Chinese and European. Betawi has many cultures, ranging from clothing, traditions, food, art, stories, attitude and their character etc.  

  • Examples of some traditional foods from Betawi, namely :
 Kerak Telur


Kerak telor (English: Egg crust) is a Betawi traditional spicy omelette dish in Indonesian cuisine. It is made from glutinous rice cooked with egg and served with serundeng (fried shredded coconut), fried shallots and dried shrimp topping. It is considered as a snack and not as a main dish. The vendors of kerak telor are easily the most ubiquitous during annual Jakarta Fair and it has also become a must-have menu item for visitors at the event(from : wikipedia)

very easy to make it is by :
  1.      Aron : steamed sticky rice until half cooked (about 15 minutes), pour the coconut milk, add budgets, stir well and set aside.
  2.     Contents Dough : Combine the crushed spices with grated coconut, lime leaves, dried shrimp and sugar, toasted to dry, give the fried onions, remove and set aside.
  3.      Dough Eggs : Break eggs one at a time add glutinous rice flour, coconut milk and salt, stir well and set aside.
  4.      Dough bonding : Mix all ingredients together, stir and cook while stirring until boiling, remove from heat and set aside.
  5.      Solution : Take a small teflon pan (diameter 12 cm) give 4 tablespoons of egg mixture, give 1 tablespoon dough sticky, smooth, cooked until done, turning, after mature lift, give the dough and then let the dough binder contents, then folded.
  6.      Serve warm.
  7.       Variations can be used to browse / add slices of cheese, chicken nuggets, sardines or other fish to taste 
So, survivors try it at home!

Kue Putu 

How to make:      
Wrap the rice flour with a clean towel, steam for 1 hour ±
Remove the flour is tender and cooked, place in a container.
      It hot pour the boiling water gradually while
stirred with a wooden spoon until well blended and no grain.
      Divide the dough into 3 parts. Each color-coded red, green and
the rest are white. Knead the dough to color evenly. 
      Enter the batter into the mold putu Virgin. Press until the dough out
shaped like noodles, on a banana leaf. Shape according to taste
Steam the mixture with banana leaves ± 30 minutes or until cooked.
      Once cooked, remove from heat. Serve with coconut milk
  • Betawi traditional clothing is a form of traditional dress cap with a suit jacket that covers the neck, while those in use on the trouser suit complete Betawi traditional clothes is a piece of batik cloth wrap at the waist. The women wear a kebaya, a long scarf that covers the head and batik cloth. 
Betawi traditional clothes
  • Examples of traditional arts from betawi :
Lenong :

Type lenong :

There are two types lenong lenong lenong Denes and thugs. In lenong Denes (from Denes said the Betawi dialect meaning "office" or "official"), actors and actresses wore formal clothes and air-setting tale kingdom or the nobility, while in civilian clothing worn lenong not determined by the director and generally revolves around everyday life. In addition, both types of lenong is also distinguished from the language used; lenong Denes generally use refined language (Malay high), while lenong thugs using colloquial language.

The story dilakonkan in lenong thugs example is the story of the people who are oppressed by landlords with tax collection and the emergence of leaders pious warrior who defends the people and fight the evil landlord. Meanwhile, an example is the story of lenong Denes tales of 1001 nights.

In its development, lenong thugs and growing more popular than lenong dene (wikipidia)

Ondel - Ondel : 


Ondel-ondel is a form of folk performance using a large puppets. It originated from Betawi, Indonesia and is often performed in festivals. The word ondel-ondel refers to both the performance and the puppet.

Ondel-ondel, the puppet, is about 2.5 meters tall with ± 80 cm diameter, made of woven bamboo. It is constructed in such a way so that it easily lifted by one person from the inside of the puppet. The puppet is usually dressed in brightly coloured garments, and in some occasions, in traditional Betawi clothing. The puppet's mask face is typically made of wood, and the hair from dried palm tree leaves that has been shredded lengthways. An ondel-ondel can either be of the female or male gender. The wooden mask of the male puppet is traditionally painted red, while the female painted white.

Ondel-ondel as a folk performance is also practiced in other parts of Indonesia. In Pasundan, it is known as Badawang, while in Central Java it is called Barongan Buncis. In Bali, it is better known as Barong Landung.

Traditionally, ondel-ondel is performed to provide protection against calamities or for warding off wandering evil spirits. It is often thought of as a spiritual representation of the ancestors who safeguards the village residents and their descendants. Although, as of late, ondel-ondel is utilised more for livening up festivals or for welcoming guests of honor. Ondel-ondel is one of only few Indonesian folk performances that has survived modernisation and is still being regularly performed, while other folk performances are slowly dying out.

The musical acompaniment for the ondel-ondel performance varies with regions, occasions and groups of performances(wkpd)

  •  Betawi Community Tradition
Betawi community has a long history as well as the establishment of the city as a place of domicile of origin. As a bustling trading town, Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta names of the past, visited by various tribes.

Fragment of Arab culture, India, China, Sundanese, Javanese, European, Malay and so on as part of the characteristic blend Betawi culture as we know it today. In short, Betawi cultural traditions like 'campursari' from diverse cultural and ethnic elements of the past that are now integral to Betawi culture.
Betawi tribe loved art, one that is characteristic of their art Tanjidor the background of Dutch culture, but it has Betawi arts background keroncong monument of Portuguese-Arabic culture, art xylophone kromong the background of Chinese culture. Besides art is always shown with great fanfare, the wedding etiquette Betawi culture is also very lively.
For indigenous Betawi wedding procession, there are many series of processions. Preceded by an introductory period through a "matchmaker". Continued application, seclusion, spray ceremony. Procession cut cuntung or whittling bat fur lined with coins and then cut. Then proceed with henna night, a night where the bride's hands and feet crimson nails with henna. The highlight is the traditional Betawi wedding Akad.
Festive TraditionFestive and colorful, the image of indigenous Betawi wedding traditions. The sound of firecrackers, the groom's family entourage walked into the front of the residence of the bride while accompanied by ondel-ondel, tanjidor and marawis (entertainment unit using Arabic tambourine). The groom runs, leading the goats that are characteristic of Tanah Abang Betawi family.
Arriving in front of the procession first held "Open Door Cross", in the form of unrequited rhyme and Adu Silat between representatives of the families of men and women representative of the family. The procession was intended as a test for the groom before being accepted as a prospective husband who would be protective for brides the idol's heart. Interestingly, in every martial arts fights, the bride certainly was defeated by champion grooms.
Akad Nikah processionAt the ceremony, the groom's party providing such delivery:

Betel nut, gambier, nutmeg, lime and areca means all bitter, bitter, and sweet home life should be lived with a husband and wife.
Maket Mosque, the intention is that the bride did not forget his duty to religion and must undergo and chanting prayers.
Kekudung, such as the bride's favorite items such as bark Condet jamblang, and so on.
Mahr or dowry of the men to be given to the bride.
Pesalinan such as women's clothing encim kebaya, batik fabrics, cosmetics, a pair of crocodile bread. Crocodiles are a perfect eternal and polygamy, and always looking for a meal together.
Petise containing vegetables or raw materials for the parties, eg carrots, potatoes, noodles, beans and so on.
The event continues with the execution of the marriage contract. Followed by a pick-up of the bride. Furthermore, both the bride is raised into a wagon that has been decorated with an accompanist respectively. Delman is covered with black adhesive fabric so it does not appear from the outside. However, with patches of black cloth attached to a wagon, then people know that there is a dress that will go to the prince.

On the day of the wedding, both the bride and the groom, the bride wearing oversized clothes and decorated. From Betawi wedding dress styles, there are two alien cultures inherent in the wedding procession. The groom influenced Arab culture. While the bride's dress influenced by Chinese tradition. Similarly, the music that enliven the wedding.
(Source: from various sources)

  •  Attitude and character of the betawi :
Long story short, the value kebetawian Betawi people are ideals to their daily lives. Therefore, the value can also be used kebetawian Betawi people to deal with the rapid flow of global culture Jakarta flooded communities through a variety of media. Under no circumstances will the ethnic Betawi remained firm against the beliefs and worldviews that they profess. Kebetawian values ​​rooted in the life of the Betawi people bear the character of the firm and patient in those Betawi. While living in distress, the Betawi people will not sell their beliefs. Something that has been embraced since childhood they will not easily fade just because distress or the lure of property. Life for the Betawi is a struggle and hard work that continues until death arrived. Therefore, the characters never give up and always looking for a way out is the hallmark of the original Betawi. In addressing the problem of life becomes its own power Betawi people. This character also spawned the nature of courage to face any challenge in those Betawi long as they believe in what they choose it right.
Another picture of the Betawi is a depiction of the character of a man who appreciates honesty and openness. Honesty and openness in the Betawi people is very essential and evident in their daily lives, as seen in their daily communication. Betawi people's honesty to stand out on their communication patterns are, almost rare words to soften the conversation intent. If they say black, it will be said to be black, white, White said, not exaggerated or minus-less.
Openness Betawi people bring their high tolerance towards immigrants. This has been happening since a hundred years ago to the present. This openness also makes Betawi culture becomes more lively with the inclusion of cultural elements that immigrants assimilate to Betawi culture itself. This openness makes the Betawi people are not closed to the progress and development of the world culture. However, of course this does not mean they take it just the culture that brought the settlers. They also criticized the culture before they receive in their daily lives.
Openness and honesty is the Betawi people in everyday life gave birth Betawi humorous attitude. It is possible to avoid a fight because of being open and honest they are probably going to hurt other people. With humor at least their honest attitude towards someone bad deeds will be taken just messing around or just joking by that person, even if it means insinuating that person acts. Cuteness Betawi people generally occurs because the innocence and the innocence of their attitude towards their situation.
Even if we look at the entertainment world today, we can find out if a model widely used Betawi people jokes comedians Indonesia, for example, took the form of a joke as the penontot involved lenong hosted by Bolot, altered and other friends. This is not only because of the Betawi people have a sense of humor, but also because the model humor Betawi people present for their honesty, not made-up. In addition, the model humor Betawi also invite the audience to actively and directly involved in their show, as seen on the show lenong.
Another thing that also shows a picture of the Betawi people are feeling their love for the nation and the state. Love of country during colonial displayed not in communion with the colonial government. While the love they show independence period in a manner that supports the legitimate government of the Republic of Indonesia. Although the Betawi people are open and can say if it Betawi egalitarian and has no level languages, such as Java, the Betawi still mengahargai older people. In life, respect for older people is presented in a manner to provide an opportunity to the parents first, before the young ones. In the language or talk of it comes in reference to themselves when speaking to older people by not wearing my self pronouns, but pronouns yourself saye, aye or use their own name.
Lastly, in my portrayal, Betawi people are people who respect their customs and deeply religious. In the Betawi people, their customs to live consistently. Almost all social customs Betawi colored by Islam. This is what causes the Betawi people are very obedient to the teachings of their religion. Religiousness Betawi people is evident in the traditions of those who never let go of the elements of the Islamic religion and the attitudes of their daily lives. Even religiousness is also spawned attitudes Betawi people are honest and very tolerant. Liberality is what makes them open to outsiders and it is this which makes the newcomers feel at home living in Jakarta for the hospitality of the original.
So, based on the values ​​kebetawian seen in the environment, the Betawi tergambarlah that Indonesia is a human figure who loved his country, respect for elders, mengharagai customs, honest, patient, courageous, humorous, open, and religious.
It could be concluded that the Betawi people are steadfast and adhere to the beliefs, customs and religion, being honest and respecting parents, patient and courageous in facing the challenges of life, humorous and open character of progress, and very fast to run the religion of Islam. So if a lot of people who think it's rude and nasty Betawi, then I need to find out if he really is the genuine betawi migrants claiming to Betawi people. Hopefully Betawi culture can still be preserved, but not limited to a ceremonial preserved only as the brother-none event jakarta are always held every year.

  • Language System :
Betawi language is the language of everyday indigenous Indonesian capital of Jakarta. This language has much in common with the official language of Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesian.

Betawi is a Malay child, many Sumatra or Malay Malay term used in the Bahasa Malaysia Betawi, as the word "Niari" for today.

Characteristic Betawi is changing the suffix "A" to "E". for example, Siape, Dimane, Ade Ape, Kenape.


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